Our student spotlight selection for Spring 2024 is Jaquay Shavers (BSBA ’24), a graduating senior who has earned a major in finance and minor in real estate. Jacquay is a highly motivated young professional who is eager to make his mark in the world of real estate and open to new opportunities as he graduates this May. If you’d like to connect with Jacquay, you can find him on LinkedIn. Congratulations Jacquay and we look forward to celebrating all of your post-TU professional achievements!

Jaquay Shavers LinkedIn Profile

TU Real Estate/Energy Studies Graduate Assistant and MBA Candidate Theresa Lam interviewed Jaquay for this profile.

Can you tell us about yourself and your background, including your academic pursuits
and any relevant extracurricular activities or experiences that relate to real estate?

I am a senior studying in Finance and Real Estate at the University of Tulsa. Last summer, I got
the opportunity to work in the Mortgage Support Division at Arvest, while also shadowing the
secondary marketing division in the bank. In my own personal experience with Real Estate, I
have done two wholesale deals over the summer.

What inspired you to pursue your current field of study or academic interest?
My fascination with the dynamics of finance—understanding the genesis of wealth, mastering
the avenues to accumulate it, and developing strategies to sustain it— has been the driving
force behind my academic pursuits. At the University of Tulsa, this intrigue naturally steered me
towards the vibrant world of Finance and Real Estate. The more I delve into the market and new
classes, the more my passion grows, fueled by the industry’s knowledge and opportunity. Real
Estate is a people-centric business, one that thrives on the strength of relationships and
personal connections. It is this aspect that I find most compelling.

Can you share with us a highlight or accomplishment from your academic journey that
you’re particularly proud of?

The biggest highlight for me during my academic journey is not a particular moment or
accomplishment. The biggest is my college journey. The reason is me staying consistent with
something for an extended period and giving my best, even when in the past, not seeing the
payoff or value of getting the degree knowing that Real Estate doesn’t always need a college
education to be successful. I’m executing and so proud of myself for it.

How do you prioritize self-care and well-being while pursuing your academic and
personal goals?
I am a big routine person; therefore, I must stay in routine throughout the week with what time I
go to bed and wake up. I also schedule out personal time with friends to maintain my level of
happiness and peace.

How do you balance your academic responsibilities with any extracurricular activities or
personal interests?

The first way to balance for me is knowing my priorities and attacking things based on those.
Besides my academic journey and real estate interests, I really love sports and working out. For
example, if I know there is an NBA game playing on Tuesday that I want to watch, then I must
be done with the work needed to be able to watch the game without feeling guilty.

Are there any mentors or individuals who have had a significant impact on your
academic or personal development? If so, how have they influenced you?
My mentor has always been my father. He has impacted me in so many ways. He was the first
person to go to college in our family, and I followed in his footsteps. His influence of who he is,
and what he stands for is much more than anything he could say to me. He has taught me
consistency and hard work will get you anywhere you want to go, being a person people can
depend on, and creating extreme goals for yourself, because even if you don’t reach them, you
still will fall a lot further.